The street taken over by hundreds, not what I expected at all. I knew that at any moment they would cease to be individuals and turn into a machine of repression. Silvia and I filmed from inside a car, at some point I leave her with the camera away from the eye of the hurricane and return to 23rd and G. I am very scared. Claudio, camera in hand, is mixing with the international press. I see almost all my colleagues from the academy—students and professors. I give Reinaldo a kiss, he makes a joke about the television cameras, he and I, but I can’t laugh. I want to say, “We have to run!” But I keep quiet, I’m in the irrational world, what little sanity I have left controls my impulses.
To my right is a human wall and a woman gesticulating, the horizon doesn’t exist. I know, in an instant they will fall on us from above, there are four hundred and I’m terrified. I move to the back, I can’t help it. The press is concentrated around Reinaldo, the air is unbreathable. One of my classmates tells me, “Go over there, there are the cameras,” I tell her, “Don’t go, they will run over us.” I think, for a second, to run over to the Riviera, my head’s going a mile a minute… I fled, what horror. I get back on my feet, I can’t find my phone, the avalanche passes by me screaming, “Fidel! Fidel!” dragging everyone along. Suddenly there are a few guys behind me, screaming lasciviously, “This is a good day!”
On one corner, Lía, Vallín and Iván have survived The Wave. She grabs her laptop while the others are both reflecting some kind of calmness, “They’re not afraid!” I think. Later they told me that they were afraid, I hope some day to manage to control myself like they do.
Unfortunately, right now I can’t find myself in that place, I’m trembling, I grab onto Lía. Stop a taxi and get in, sending some Tweets, I tell the driver I am going to Nuevo Vedado. He crosses G and I ask him to return. We double back to F and drive onto the Avenue going to 21st, a Human Torrent is moving from left to right, I have never seen anything more extraordinary: there are screams, punches, groups, police, hysterical people, students and some cordons of State Security running from one side to the other. The traffic is diverted by plainclothes types, a bicyclist in front of us is pushed up the street by a security officer shouting, “Out of the way! Out of the way! Clear off!”
I call Yoani, this is out of control, I’m coming over there, I’m convinced they are all unconscious already and we will spend the night calling the stations and going around to the hospitals. I imagine Reinaldo thrown out on the street and those savages coming down on him. The taxi driver is shocked and pulls out his cell phone and takes a few pictures.
When I get there Reinaldo had already called, I can’t believe it but I keep quiet. I go in the door and find out, they are telling the truth: they’re living a miracle. Today the government has intentionally put the lives of people in danger. From this moment I charge the organs of State Security and Raúl Castro with responsibility for anything that happens to those who, today, after having been dragged by a mob, beaten, interrogated and detained, have finally returned to their homes.*
- Marleny Gonzalez - Yoan Hernandez - Yadaimí Dominguez - Frank Paz - Wilfredo Vallin - Eugenio Leal - Pastor Manuel - Ivan Garcia - Silvio Benítez - Jose Alberto Alvarez Bravo - Lilia Hernandez Castañer - Lianelis Villares
Today I was a coward and I will always reproach myself, today I discovered TERROR.
* I am missing some names of people who either I do not know or could not see, I promise to update the list as soon as possible.
Note: We have a fairly complete video of what happened, is very large and I have not been able to load it. Tomorrow I will try again.
Here is the video:
tu eres valiente,cobardes son ellos que usan la fuerza en masas de ignorantes y ciegos que no conocen la realidad y la libertad.
The man in the middle of the picture looking stoic is Yoani Sanchez' husband Reinaldo Escobar who had dared the BULLY who beat his wife to a DUEL OF WORDS. What he got was MOB INTIMIDATION AND VIOLENCE. This was all orchestrated by THE CUBAN GOVERMENT to intimidate the bloggers in CUBA practicing FREEDOM OF SPEECH even with many difficulties in getting their words heard in the ISLAND PRISON!
REUTERS: Husband of Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez attacked "Reinaldo Escobar, also a blogger, said he had gone to a Havana intersection hoping that state security agents would respond to a challenge he issued earlier to meet there for a "verbal duel" about his wife's incident.
He said he was speaking to reporters when, in what appeared to be an orchestrated event, several hundred people gathered and began shouting "Viva Fidel" and "Viva la Revolucion."
"His wife, who was not with him at the attack, wrote on Twitter: "Until when will the language of force, of intolerance and disrespect for the opinion of others be the one that prevails in my country?""
LATIN AMERICAN HERALD TRIBUNE: Husband of Cuban Blogger Yoani Sanchez Reports Being Beaten
“I had double luck,” Escobar said, “on the one hand, the foreign press was filming the whole thing (they were also knocked around), and on the other, I took less of a beating because an unexpected shield of ‘friends’ took some of the blows for me. Will they now demand medical certificates?” he asked."
INTERNET TREND: North Korea isn’t the only victim of a growing trend of spoof despots.Twitter bin Laden?
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has his own impostor (, as do Fidel Castro ( and Osama bin Laden — that last of which has no fewer than 10 Twitter accounts in his name. Last year one announced: “Cave boring without Xbox.”
New America Media, News Analysis, Louis E.V. Nevaer, Posted: Dec 15, 2008
"The European Union recently dispatched anthropologists to study racism in Cuba. Their findings were shocking: Not only was racism alive and well in the workers’ paradise, but it was systemic and institutional. Blacks were systematically excluded from positions that involved coming in contact with foreign tourists (where they could earn tips in hard currencies), they were relegated to poor housing, complained of the longest waits for healthcare, were excluded from managerial positions, received the lowest remittances from relatives abroad, and were five times more likely to be imprisoned. "
HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH REPORT ON CUBA 11/18/09:Cuba: Raúl Castro Imprisons Critics, Crushes Dissent
"Washington, DC) - Raúl Castro's government has locked up scores of people for exercising their fundamental freedoms and allowed scores more political prisoners arrested during Fidel Castro's rule to languish in detention, Human Rights Watch says in a report released today. Rather than dismantle Cuba's repressive machinery, Raúl Castro has kept it firmly in place and fully active, the report says."
BRADENTON HERARL ARTICLE (England)- Human rights report confirms Cubans still in agony
"When it comes to human rights, the 123-page report offers overwhelming evidence that he has run a government every bit as repressive as Fidel Castro’s. Not only does the state’s all-seeing, punitive apparatus remain in place, but Raul has made sure it stays busy.When it comes to human rights, the 123-page report offers overwhelming evidence that he has run a government every bit as repressive as Fidel Castro’s. Not only does the state’s all-seeing, punitive apparatus remain in place, but Raul has made sure it stays busy."
"Meanwhile, beatings like the one blogger Yoani Sanchez experienced recently, short-term detention, “acts of repudiation,” denial of work and brutal treatment of political prisoners remain common features of the machinery of repression."
Raul Castro Squandered His Last Chance
14ymedio, Generation Y, Yoani Sanchez, Havana, 22 March 2017 — A year ago
Cuba had a once in a lifetime opportunity. US President Barack Obama came
to the ...
Read Ivan Garcia on
Or you can read all of Ivan’s posts by clicking here. Readers: Given the
explosion of writers now being translated by, to make
our wo...
Under the Umbrella of Jose Marti / Fernando Damaso
Fernando Damaso, 5 February 2016 — A few days ago the 2nd International
With All and For the Good of All Conference was held in Havana, a
government activi...
Gratitude / Miriam Celaya
Though I’m several days behind, I get to access my blog to publicly thank
all friends and the media who remained attentive and concerned for
us during the ...
No, No and No Raul Castro
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always without the least mood or desire that you answer me, because given
the ab...
Another Ship Bound for Korea / Henry Constantin
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weight on my chest. People there work from sunup for a monthly salary that
only ge...
2nd of November-Day of the Dead / Ricardo Medina
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suddenly. Since the 7th century, the Archbishop of Seville, Saint Isidoro
Survey on Government Economic Measures
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the Center of Socio-Economic and Democratic Studies (CESED) to carry out a
public ...
Photos: Francis Sanchez I went shopping in search of a hoe. Perhaps it was
suddenly suggested to me by the partisan propaganda which always lays a
guilt t...
The End
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because we give a normal act, part of what it is to live, an especially
gloomy conn...
Justice for Rolando
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as he was prepared to bring people, including his family, but he was not
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HERE The 43-year-old prisoner Rene Valle Ibarra, also known as “El Bimbo”,
who is f...
At the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
At around 9 PM this past Friday, May 21st, I bumped into a friend of mine
on 23rd and G street as I was on my way to my mother’s house. He told me
that he...
Sunday Anguish
On Sundays, in the late afternoon, I feel a recurring unease. It begins
with a slight, imperceptible tingling in the stomach, then a heaviness in
the arm...
15 years ago
Jorge Luis García Pérez (Antúnez)
Please click over to the Spanish language (original) site for links to other blogs. There's a hot link at the top of this column.
This is an excerpt to a version of the song, Epitaph for Vladimir Visotski by Karsmarski Jacek (Polish dissident songwriter), which includes Ciro Diaz in his latest album, The Blue Slug, that I listened to compulsively for at least two months, especially on the street with my mp3 inherited from a friend who now has an I-pod. (Download the lyrics here) (Download the recording and album cover here) The song (in summary, which runs about ten minutes) is about a desperate artist going through the circles of hell in search of an answer or death, and at the end of his journey there is only loneliness and the weight of the supreme power above himself. So I found myself at times catching the bus across Havana at 12 noon in August under the perennial sunshine and with the distressing feeling of not going anywhere, or arriving too late, or going for pleasure ... I feel that I have already arrived at the eighth enclosure (this is the finale of the song) where there is nothing, and I feel useless and empty, and I look at people without faith who walk along the street and who have so much fear that they no longer know they're afraid, and who have seen so many Roundtables and so many news broadcasts that they no longer know what belongs to reality or just to the TV screen. They cannot discern that they no longer believe, but cannot disbelieve either, and just move along past me not going anywhere.
tu eres valiente,cobardes son ellos que usan la fuerza en masas de ignorantes y ciegos que no conocen la realidad y la libertad.
Don't call yourself a coward Claudia even for a day. You are a woman of incredible and uncommon courage.
To paraphrase a famous anthem of the US civil rights movement: 'deep in my heart I do believe that you shall overcome someday.'
And that day may arrive sooner than any of us think.
ASSOCIATED PRESS: Pro-Castro mob attacks spouse of top Cuban blogger
The man in the middle of the picture looking stoic is Yoani Sanchez' husband Reinaldo Escobar who had dared the BULLY who beat his wife to a DUEL OF WORDS. What he got was MOB INTIMIDATION AND VIOLENCE. This was all orchestrated by THE CUBAN GOVERMENT to intimidate the bloggers in CUBA practicing FREEDOM OF SPEECH even with many difficulties in getting their words heard in the ISLAND PRISON!
REUTERS: Husband of Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez attacked
"Reinaldo Escobar, also a blogger, said he had gone to a Havana intersection hoping that state security agents would respond to a challenge he issued earlier to meet there for a "verbal duel" about his wife's incident.
He said he was speaking to reporters when, in what appeared to be an orchestrated event, several hundred people gathered and began shouting "Viva Fidel" and "Viva la Revolucion."
"His wife, who was not with him at the attack, wrote on Twitter: "Until when will the language of force, of intolerance and disrespect for the opinion of others be the one that prevails in my country?""
LATIN AMERICAN HERALD TRIBUNE: Husband of Cuban Blogger Yoani Sanchez Reports Being Beaten
“I had double luck,” Escobar said, “on the one hand, the foreign press was filming the whole thing (they were also knocked around), and on the other, I took less of a beating because an unexpected shield of ‘friends’ took some of the blows for me. Will they now demand medical certificates?” he asked."
Reporters Without Borders: Going online in Cuba - Internet under surveillance
Reporters Without Borders:Authorities block websites, detain 26th journalist
Human Rights Watch: Cuba's Repressive Machinery:
North Korea isn’t the only victim of a growing trend of spoof despots.Twitter bin Laden?
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has his own impostor (, as do Fidel Castro ( and Osama bin Laden — that last of which has no fewer than 10 Twitter accounts in his name. Last year one announced: “Cave boring without Xbox.”
‘Obama Effect’ Highlights Racism in Cuba
New America Media, News Analysis, Louis E.V. Nevaer, Posted: Dec 15, 2008
"The European Union recently dispatched anthropologists to study racism in Cuba. Their findings were shocking: Not only was racism alive and well in the workers’ paradise, but it was systemic and institutional. Blacks were systematically excluded from positions that involved coming in contact with foreign tourists (where they could earn tips in hard currencies), they were relegated to poor housing, complained of the longest waits for healthcare, were excluded from managerial positions, received the lowest remittances from relatives abroad, and were five times more likely to be imprisoned. "
HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH REPORT ON CUBA 11/18/09:Cuba: Raúl Castro Imprisons Critics, Crushes Dissent
"Washington, DC) - Raúl Castro's government has locked up scores of people for exercising their fundamental freedoms and allowed scores more political prisoners arrested during Fidel Castro's rule to languish in detention, Human Rights Watch says in a report released today. Rather than dismantle Cuba's repressive machinery, Raúl Castro has kept it firmly in place and fully active, the report says."
Reporters Without Borders: Going online in Cuba - Internet under surveillance
Reporters Without Borders:Authorities block websites, detain 26th journalist
Human Rights Watch: Cuba's Repressive Machinery:
BRADENTON HERARL ARTICLE (England)- Human rights report confirms Cubans still in agony
"When it comes to human rights, the 123-page report offers overwhelming evidence that he has run a government every bit as repressive as Fidel Castro’s. Not only does the state’s all-seeing, punitive apparatus remain in place, but Raul has made sure it stays busy.When it comes to human rights, the 123-page report offers overwhelming evidence that he has run a government every bit as repressive as Fidel Castro’s. Not only does the state’s all-seeing, punitive apparatus remain in place, but Raul has made sure it stays busy."
"Meanwhile, beatings like the one blogger Yoani Sanchez experienced recently, short-term detention, “acts of repudiation,” denial of work and brutal treatment of political prisoners remain common features of the machinery of repression."
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