Friday, December 25, 2009


Tree by Lia Villares

A mix of nostalgia and joy comes over me each time the end of the year approaches; it might seem sentimental, but I am one of those who adores Christmas. Perhaps the origin is in the absence of Christmas decorations in which I live, in the lack of joy and in many senses the cultural apathy that my country brings to this world holiday.

We couldn’t even celebrate the turn of the century, as Fidel was in his mathematical stage and decided that the new century began in 2001, not in the zero year. A single man deprived 11 million of the changing millennium. The following year, of course, no one would celebrate the new XXI century, it was ridiculous.

A group of friends and I refuse to accept December 24 as just another day. For almost ten years we have gotten together to eat and carry on as normal, a united family of close friends. It has become impossible not to notice that we are fewer every twelve months: a decade ago we were fifteen, this year we will be seven and we already know that two of those will not be here the next 24th.

I will keep waiting—missing the absent—for the day when we are once again fifteen. The turn of the century I will leave to my grandchildren; to them I will entrust the task of celebrating it in the name of their grandmother, who lived when time was edited by one man.


John said...

Happy Christmas .... I hope your new gets you closer to your dreams.

Less is more .... as your number decreases, more manage to leave, or so I hope ......

How many more years will you have to wait before the borders crash down and freedom floods the land ... it is inevitable, its happened everywhere else and nobody lives forever ......

Happy Christmas all of you

Humberto Capiro said...

MERCO artículo de prensa: Newsweek predice la muerte de Fidel Castro y el golpe de Estado en Venezuela
El año próximo comenzará la muerte del veterano líder cubano Fidel Castro y la caída del presidente de Venezuela tras un golpe de estado, de acuerdo con las predicciones de la última edición de los EE.UU. la revista Newsweek.

"Para Fidel Castro parece que será su último año en esta tierra" las previsiones de la revista Newsweek.

Tras la muerte del líder histórico de la revolución cubana, no habrá espacio para ayudar a transformar la isla ", pero no va a pasar la noche". Sin embargo, "las rigideces del pasado, como la (falta de libertad de expresión y de prensa libre, las restricciones migratorias; culto a la personalidad, la persecución de los homosexuales, entre otros), asociado a su nombre se volverá a evaluar".